• Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap
  • Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap
  • Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap
  • Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap
  • Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap
  • Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap
  • Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap

    Right On Straps MOJO Race HD Guitar Strap

    Regular price $69.99
    Ships From Warehouse (May be subject to backorder)

    SKU: Race HD

    Pick Holder located in the tail of the strap. They are 3 simple cuts to introduce the plectrums, allowing faster and more intuitive access to them.



    To make this strap or accessories we have used vegan materials that do not contain any animal parts, this item is 100% free of all animal parts.


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